Hey there!
I’m Margi
I am a brown-eyed introvert, grammar nerd, writer, copyeditor and social media manager. I live in a small town near the Canadian Rockies with my husband, four kids, and a hedgehog named Callie. You can usually find me with a mug of fresh-ground black coffee in one hand and my Kindle in the other. I believe that good readers become good writers.
Being quiet has made me a good listener, and I thrive on deep connections. I can skip the fluff and get straight to the meat. Although introverted, I care deeply about the people I meet and the stories they have to tell. I have been writing since I first put pencil to paper at age 5, and I navigated most of my teenage angst through poetry. In junior high, a teacher recognized that I was a “noticer of little things”, and I bring this gift into my writing because I believe life IS the little things
A little about me
I’m a writer, certified professional editor, and I love to create content for Instagram.
In 2021, I did a thing and published my first book,
Cultivating Authenticity in a Curated World. Spending a lot of time on social media showed me how much we like to “curate” our lives to look happier, healthier, wealthier, more put together… We all need that encouragement to live authentically who we were created to be.
Ways I can help
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